Q1: Bhagavan, please explain one of your teachings "Past is flowing into the present and manifests itself as the future".
A1: The mind is something that is always with us. What is the mind? The mind is the flow of thought, from the past, through the present, into the future. So, the flow is only about the past. To think about the past is being in the past. Even to think about the future, is being in the past. The past projects even the future. So we are always caught up in the past. Hence there is no freedom for us at all. The past is cut only when we are Awakened. Only then we can say we have real freedom. Otherwise, there is only the past.
Q2: Bhagavan, we are now in the Awakened state. What should we do to attain level 50 Bhagavan?
A3: First we should be Awakened. Awakening cannot be attained by personal efforts. It can only be attained by Grace. We are giving it to you first. So, you have attained Mukti, attained Awakening. But it doesn't end there. Next, we need to move towards transformation. We need to transform completely. For that to happen, there must be intense awareness. Those who attained Mukti can be intensely aware. Thereafter, you must live the teachings. We have given you many teachings. Teachings for the Awakened One and for the Unawakened One. So after Awakening, you must live the teachings. You must apply them in your day to day life. When you do that, a big change will occur. That is transformation.
If the transformation occurs, we can attain level 50. Otherwise we cannot. So, ascending from the awakened level given to you level 50 is your responsibility. That is not our work. Our work is to make you Awakened. Once we have awakened you, you must make use of it for your own growth. You must move into transformation. Like, if you see some people, they may be awakened, but there would be no transformation. Because they are not applying the teachings. So, teachings must be applied in your life. You must live the teachings! When you do that, a transformation occurs and once the transformation occurs you can quickly reach levels 50 or 60.
Q4: Bhagavan, in the dark room process, how are Divine Beings and Satyalok Bhagavan helping us?
A4: In the dark room process, AmmaBhagavan and many other Light Beings are working together. Basically, we are doing a surgery on your brain. So it is a team work. So, it is convenient for us to do such a surgery in the dark room, when you are in the dark room doing no other activities and in silence. Like in a hospital room, you would need to lie down on the bed for the operation to be performed. It would not be possible to operate if you were jumping on the bed. Likewise, if you are calm and quiet and on a limited diet in a sacred space, we can do surgery easily.
Q5: Bhagavan, it is said that the cause of all problems which man is facing today is because man has moved far from God. Please explain this Bhagavan.
A5: Basically, God should not be a matter of belief. It is pointless to approach God with just a matter of belief. God must be discovered, God must be real to you. Must be a living experience. We can see God, talk with God, we can even walk with God. All this can be done. So, what happens then is, when faced with a problem, a simple prayer or a simple request will solve it immediately. If you have a powerful friend with you, life becomes so easy. In the same way, who can be a better friend than God? But the same God must be really your friend. You must be able to communicate with him, talk with him. You must do all that. So, in the next stage we will go on to God realization, after that, you and God become best friends. After that, if you have a financial problem you will ask God "I have this problem, I need help". "My health is not so good, I need this".
You can ask powerfully (with the powerful bond) and so the answers would come powerfully. That is the next stage. For all that, the first stage is Awakening. We have been focusing on it and have already achieved the target. Now, in the next stage we are moving to transformation and God realization.
Q6: What is the significance of Homa?
A6: All of our problems are in the unconscious mind. There is a special language to deal with the unconscious mind. The language is Homas. The unconscious understands the language of the Homas. It doesn't know our normal language. It understands the ritualistic language. That is why we do the Homas. That is why Homas are so very effective.
Q7: The Awakened One does not get hurt. Therefore there is nothing to forgive. This is today's webcast teaching Bhagavan. Please explain.
A7: Basically, after Awakening, "I" as a person does not exist. When there is no "I", there is no one to get hurt. That is the state of an Awakened person. In the case of an Unawakened person, there is a feeling of "I", which gets hurt regularly and tries to forgive every time. But for an Awakened person there is no one to get hurt. Not that something special is happening. There is no person there to get hurt. If he, the Awakened person, gets hurt, it means that the transformation process is not yet over. So you must work on the transformation. For that you must, like I said before, you must live the teachings. That is your effort! For Awakening your effort is not required. We give it to you. But living is your effort! You must live the teachings!
Q8: Bhagavan, please explain about Awakening and Enlightenment.
A8: Now, if you have a car that you are driving, and you switch the engine off. The switching off of the engine is Awakening. The engine has been switched off. The mind has been switched off. You have been declutched from it. But the car has its momentum, so it does not stop immediately. It stops after a little distance. But it certainly stops after a little distance. That stopping is Enlightenment. Before that, when it shuts, only the engine is shut. The mind's flow is stopped. That is awakening! But still, due to the past momentum, it goes on for some time. After some time it stops completely. After that, even the flow of thoughts would be a rare occurrence. That is Enlightenment. Plus a complete transformation would continue to take place. This person would be different from other people in all aspects. So Awakening leads to Transformation. And Transformation leads to Enlightenment.
Q9: How does Mukti act as a solution for all problems?
A9: If we analyze the cause and effect of all the problems, the final cause is the sense of separation. I'm different and the rest are different. That is the reason. That separateness is the "Self". That Self is the cause of all problems! If the self is not there, there are no problems. How do you remove the Self? That is Awakening. When you get awakened, the Self dissolves. Basically, if the Self goes, all problems should go. But the car has to stop. There is a past momentum, a karmic momentum. So for some time, there might be some problems. But all that would eventually dissolve because no fresh karma would be accumulated.
Mind chattering would reduce significantly. So the solution for all problems is Awakening. The Self should be dissolved. The Self is responsible for personal problems, individual problems, problems in the family, problems in the society, problems in the world, problems between countries, problems with our environment and for all other problems. If we take it off, we can destroy the Self. That is Awakening.
Q10: What is the significance of the Oneness Temple? How is it helping to attain Mukti?
A10: Oneness Temple is the 3-dimensional projection of the Surya Yantra. We are entering a Yantra. So, when you are entering a Yantra, the kundalini is activated, our chakras are all activated. So you are made ready for awakening. That is why the temple was built. The reason for building the temple was to awaken people's kundalini and to activate their chakras. It activates kundalini of not only the people who visit the temple but also helps the others who are unable to visit. Even if you are in Canada, it will raise your kundalini and activate your chakras. Just thinking about the temple will work. But actually it is very very effective if you enter the Temple.
Q11: What is the significance of the Temple in Nemam? How is it helping in solving our day to day problems?
A11: The main cause of a lot of our problems is because our ancestors who are stuck up at some place. They are stuck up in various realms. Who?... Our ancestors. Sometimes when they are stuck, you may have a financial problem. Sometimes when they are stuck you may have a health problem. Sometimes when they are stuck, you may have a court case. Likewise, it will manifest in similar ways. It is because our ancestors are stuck up.
Nemam specializes in clearing your ancestors. Your ancestors are getting cleared fast when you worship at Nemam. In the same way, if you have a problem because of your ancestors, that will be resolved fast at Nemam. Suppose your financial problems are caused by your ancestors, the best way to solve the problem is by worshipping at Nemam. It will quickly clear the problem. Suppose, if you have a health problem because your ancestors are stuck somewhere, worshipping at Nemam will clear the problem fast.
Q12: After Awakening, what is the significance of participating in Mahadeeksha and level 1 AmmaBhagavan process and level 2 AmmaBhagavan Process?
A12: Even after Awakening, if you take part in these processes, your levels will go much higher. Every time when you participate, even though the same thing you hear, your levels will go up.