Monday 25 February 2013

Oneness Teachings

Q): Bhagavan for me You are my Antaryamin and I discover more and more of your greatness in everything. Please explain whether Antaryamin is a separate aspect of consciousness. Thank you Bhagavan!

A): Bhagavan: There is a feeling of I am in everybody. There is a feeling of I am in every creature. In effect there is only one I am, which is everywhere. This I am is the Antaryamin. So you can never be free of the Antaryamin. The only thing is whether you are aware of it or not. If you are aware of it you know God. If you have God with you, you have everything with you. But if you have a God who takes away everything means if you have designed such a God and who would be punishing you then the opposite would happen. Your life depends on the kind of God you have created. That is why in Hinduism we say bhaktha paradina – one who is subservient to the devotee. We also call God Yadhokthakari which means god does as bidden. So you are the boss.

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