Thursday 7 March 2013


We identify ourselves as our name and our relationships. We identify ourselves as our body. We identify ourselves as our mind. We identify ourselves as our possessions. 
But are you all that? Are you the form that you are entrapped in? No. If you are, you would not have existed before your naming as a baby.

Awakening is the change in perception of who we are. 

As a baby we are already Awakened. We are enlightened. We are pure love then. We are pure joy. We are in total bliss. We experience oneness with everyone. We feel extreme joy and dance for no reason. We feel love and radiate love. We experience total thoughtless mindless timeless state. We experience life in nature. We exist everywhere. It is our nature to be all these. Everyone loves us and takes care of us. We have everyone. We never feel lonely or meaningless. We never feel loveless and we do not crave for love. We never felt worthless and don't feel the need for value. Until we are two years old, we hold this state. 

How have we lost the state? Where? 

It is the toxic emotional charges stored in the body that reacts in a given situation. We accumulate them as we experience traumas. As our parents experience traumas. We start getting programmed from the time we are conceived. Each emotional charge constricts the flow of energy through our nervous system. Around the age of two, our self forms naturally and start identifying as these charges. These charges creates conflicts and start thinking. They are alive and attract the same kind of energy. They create all health issues. Yes all health issues. All relationship issues. All negative life patterns. Infact they live their life more than us. They control our intelligence. They control our feelings. We as a person is helpless before them.
We gradually we lose all our divinity and fall into thinking. We get identified and live and entire life in thinking. Can you stop thinking even for a minute? Impossible. 

If not, how can we feel love? Love is a feeling to be felt. It is an emotion. Rather it is a state. We cannot think love. We experience it as a feeling in our heart. Naturally all the time. Towards everything. That state that we already are but we forgot. We are a millionaire in love. We have a trillion Joy inherent. Naturally.

But ignorant of this, we crave for love and value. We engage in the external pursuits of variety. We fall into addictions. We become unhealthy and we die early. 

How to revive?

That is the process of awakening. It is done by our Creator. It is a gradual process of injecting awareness into these negative emotions to release its charge. Once experienced, the emotion lose its power, becomes dormant and get released.  The process allows Divine energy to flow through the nervous system to rejuvenate the body and mind. The awakening process takes us through a life process where it renovates our body. It brings life to remote areas of our body. It resolves all issues in life step by step. All traumas get resolved. Never again we experience depression irrespective of external stimulations. Relationships gets set right. Money become abundant in life. We start moving towards our natural state as created. 
Our consciousness starts expanding and start experiencing UN Conditional Love. This love is not the love that we are used to. It is much deeper, broader, intense and to be experienced. It is experienced at our will. It comes like a storm inside and takes over us. Health revives fully. We think but only functional thoughts. 

We feel unconditional limitless joy. This is not happiness. This is not the happiness you felt at the peak of your external life. This joy is a million times more than that. When I experienced it for first time, I was thrown into it. My body started rolling in joy and laughter. This is body joy. This joy I can experience anytime anywhere anytime any intensity I wish. 
Bliss becomes natural constant state. You lose the friction in you to function in life. You become fully functional and conscious simultaneously. 

You start experiencing life. You start experiencing the creation. You start experiencing God. When you get it you will feel it is profoundly simple. You were experiencing it as a child. Now you are aware that it is the Divine. The moment Divine enters my body I go into such deep states automatically.  

How can I help?

Through the processes that I have put in the website. I have helped many to progress to this state. Through individual and collective sessions, I take you through rapid process of enlightenment. This is my experience in my path of awakening. I share with you this today.    

When I get into my awakened state, I expand beyond my body. Right Now I am in such a state. I am mindless and thoughtless. No more thinking and feeling of self. There is no constricted feeling of 'I'. I feel so much joy in my body. I feel like a child and start running around in my garden. I can feel Joy in grass. I can feel love in fire. I am connected to everything. My consciousness is expanded. I can connect to any Diety and go into deep Bliss. I hold my Joy as if I let it I will slip into deep laughter!!! Body laughs... Feel totally full fulfilled for no reason. Do not feel like eating. Do not feel I need anything from outside. I am FULL. This 'I' here is mentioned inorder to identify. But I feel there is no me inside... what is there is one consciousness. Cannot be explained but to be experienced. Feel my body is totally balanced!!!
2012 is the season for Awakening. The shower of energy has already started. It accelerates the process of enlightenment exponentially. If you wish, you can join my team of awakening. As a group we will progress and reach awakened state and full enlightenment by the end of this year!!!

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