Thursday 7 March 2013


Trying to understand a relationship would never help. Trying to understand is like peeling an onion; you can go on peeling, peeling, and peeling, there is nothing to it. You must learn the art of experiencing the other.

If you learn to experience your husband or your wife, there is no greater joy, on this planet. But the problem is that you do not know how to experience human beings; you do not feel connected.

If you know how to experience your wife, if your wife were to nag you or to scream or yell, that would be most beautiful. Similarly, when your husband also bothers you, if you can see and experience that, it becomes joy.
That is the only way you can set right your relationships, because then it becomes a source of joy.

The setting right of relationships with your parents is of the utmost importance.
That has priority.
Only after that comes the service aspect.

All relationships reflect the relationship with your parents.
They reflect exactly what has happened between you and your parents.
Once this is set right, everything falls into place.

And life is relationship. So what happens is, life also reflects these relationships.
That is why, if you have a terrible relationship with your father, you most likely have financial problems, because life would reflect that.

If it’s a very bad relationship with your mother, then you have needless obstacles; that is how life would reflect it, because life is relationship.
Anybody who is having a terrible financial problem, set right your relationship with your father, and you will see there is an immediate improvement.
And if you are having needless obstacles, set right the relationship with your mother, and you will see immediately improvement.
This can be experimentally verified.
All that we are talking about can actually be verified at the ground level.

The Mind:

The mind is nothing but the flow of thoughts.
You cannot conceive of a mind, without thoughts.

The only way you could become free of the mind is to closely watch it.
If you keep watching in a very friendly way without judging, condemning or commenting, it soon becomes very weak and slowly becomes quieter.

Oneness within oneself is the cessation of the dialogue.
Right now if you watch yourself, you would find a crowd inside.
That is why I often refer to you as a mobile market place.
When you achieve true oneness, this inner dialogue stops.
Then there is an inner silence which is not the opposite of noise, it is something else.
That is inner oneness.

Nara [limited self] becomes Narayana [divine wholeness] when he achieves complete oneness.
When the wall completely breaks down.
When the wall called the mind is gone then Nara becomes Narayana.

When consciousness is purged of all its contamination what remains is life,
pure consciousness or God.

Flowering of the Heart

The question is one of simple transformation, make the heart flower and we have heaven here.
There will be actual heaven on earth.

Once the heart has flowered, you know exactly how to act.

The love we are talking about cannot be described. It has to be experienced. There is no reason for that. There is no cause for that. It is just there.
We would like you to get there.
You would then be a fulfilled human being.
You would have realized your full potential as a human being.
The moment you discover this love, you also discover connectedness.
First you feel connected with your near and dear ones, then with your friends, then with the world at large, plants and animals and finally with God.
You become one with God.
That is the oneness we are talking about.

The whole creation is an outpouring of joy.
Once you become enlightened, you will see that there is nothing but joy.
There is only love.

Suffering and Seeing

Whenever you say I am suffering, it means that you are running away from suffering.
Because if you could turn around and confront the suffering, soak in it, embrace it, fall in love with it, be with it, accept it, do all these things.
Then see for yourself what happens!

The best thing is to embrace it and the strangest part is you will find sooner or later you will develop this art and every time suffering comes, you would embrace it and it becomes joy.

The first thing is seeing.
When it comes to inner problems or inner growth or spiritual progress, you have to learn the art of seeing.
What is there is not important for us, but you must ‘see' what is there.

The key thing here is you have to get into a state where seeing is occurring all the time.
When seeing happens, all suffering ceases because to see is to be free.
There is no effort involved, there is no time involved.

Confronting your self-centeredness, though the word is misleading, it simply means that you just become aware that this is what you really are and you never thought that you are that.
It is so and it is there, that is all.
The mere seeing is sufficient.

Misery of Self

What is there to your life?
As far as God is concerned you are merely existing, you are not living.
You exist because you are afraid to die.
What is there to your life, other than the terrible struggles?
Because you are there, in your being there is unhappiness.
Not that you are unhappy. No. You = unhappiness. That is your condition.
So, what is enlightenment?
It is wiping out the ‘you'. You receive Oneness Blessing= Diksha and wipe the you out.
If you are gone, you will still be very functional.
The memory is there, you can do everything you are doing, only much better.
Since you are not there, what is there is joy, is happiness, is love.
We want people to be happy.
What should we do?
We should erase you.
Once ‘you' are gone, it does not matter who you are, what you are, what is there is only joy and happiness.

Please get the whole thing straight. We are not asking you to be free of the self.
We are only asking you to be conscious of the self.
Helping you to be free of the self is God’s business. You couldn't do that.

What the Divine is trying to give you is the Oneness state.
In that state, there is no sense of separateness, there is only connectedness.
The whole problem with mankind is, people do not feel connected.
Basically there is no transformation in man, there is tremendous misery and all this is out of a sense of separateness.
You are destroying yourself because you are not able to handle this misery in you.
So, this is the condition.

You have to lose the sense of separation and you have to feel connected.
First you start with your own family, then the world, the you, extend it to the animals, the plants and then finally to God.
That is why we use the word oneness.
When we speak of oneness with God, we mean actually becoming one with God.

Inside and Outside
What is applied to the inner world should not be applied to the external world.
In the inner world you do nothing. In the external world you must do everything.
In the inner world, you stay where you are. If there is jealousy, you stay there.
That is all.
That is the only truth.
But in the external world you want to buy a house, you want to earn some money, you want to get this, you want to get that. The best thing is to ask for it, that is all.

The moment there is inner integrity, your link with the Lord is firmly established.
It is very easy for the grace to flow.
When there is no inner integrity, the contact is not clear.
It becomes very difficult to give you grace because as far as The Divine is concerned it is very eager to give grace to anybody and everybody.
In fact, you could yourself do miracles if there is inner integrity.

Your greatest joy would be to discover your place in the big scheme of things and work to fulfill your destiny.

Bond with the Divine and Surrender

Each one of you should try and find out what suits you best.
Some play with God, some fight with God, some cajole with Him; and some communicate with Him.
You should do whatever comes naturally to you. However, the key is to have a strong bond with The Divine.
One other deterring factor for Grace is the emotion that you carry in your prayer.
If there is emotion, the response is very fast.
There are some people, who assume that God looks into all of their needs and help them to live without any stress.
For some he does that even before they ask.
The kind of prayer that would suit you depends on your upbringing, your background and your culture.
The choice is therefore left up to you.

God does not test His children. What you consider to be tests from God's end are basically problems you have created for yourself. The Divine is basically trying to help you out. Sometimes it might appear that it is testing you, but in reality the Divine would prevent a greater pain from coming to you.
Let us say you prayed for a good job, and it wasn’t granted to you, it will only be to save you from some immanent danger, or to bless you with something greater.
God loves you; He is there only because He loves you so much.
You are not separate from the Divine. To Him it is not loving someone else, but Himself.

There are certain areas where God could straight away intervene, and other areas where He cannot.
Here He needs your cooperation. Surrender and Helplessness are not a defeatist attitude.
It is to set aside your defective believe systems and complex emotions, seeing that they are a hindrance to Grace. Even if you could do this for a short while, God would have His way. What you must understand is that: while God is powerful, you too are powerful. That is the whole problem.
You are an aspect of God. You are a powerful being, who is full of defective thoughts, concepts and mental frameworks. So you are God, who has gone wrong. That is why; it is not possible to transform the world in one blow. You too have to cooperate with God in helping to change the world.

The ultimate purpose of life is to become one with God. Your whole life is so structured to push you in that direction. If every event in your life were thoroughly understood and experienced as an action from God, you would move closer to God. Ultimately you become one with God.

If you are talking about true surrender, man and God cannot coexist.
Either there is man, or there is God.
If you are there, you don't give a chance for God. Where man ends, God begins.

As you go on progressing, you will find that one minute you are God yourself and the next minute you are not. What happens is after sometime you will realize that actually you and God are the same. But, sometimes you have the feeling of oneness; sometimes you have a feeling of separation.
It is then that you can be of very great help to people.
You will actually discover that you are one with the Divine, that you are actually God.
This continues on a regular basis, the only thing is as you go along; the time that you experience oneness with God would be more.
You would actually become The Divine or Light or God or whatever you want to call it; it all depends upon you. When you still go deeper, your physical form can also be affected.
There is no end to these things; these are things, which happen very naturally, very automatically.

All existence is bliss when you are one with the Divine.

Vision of the Golden Age

The vision is that there must be the Golden Age by 2012.
The mission is to make 60,000 people enlightened. That's the mission.
The way is - receive Diksha: Oneness Blessing.
That's the vision, mission and way.
God is not asking you to do some terrible practice.
Just simply receive Oneness Blessing.
That's all. You are awakened.

What would have happened is, in the Golden Age, people would be happy.
The only goal is to make people happy.
It is to make people happy. That's all.
After that they should be full of joy and bliss. There should be no suffering.

Hundreds achieved Mukti [enlightenment]. Thousands in fact. It’s not a question of - can they achieve. They have achieved it. It's over.
Oneness University is producing Enlightened people by the hundreds everyday.
Soon it’s going to be an explosion. I will say this is the last phase of man.
It is like - Man has been building a house for so many thousands of years now.
And 2004 to 2012 is the grahapravesham [topping-out ceremony].
Man has reached the final stage after all these years of struggle.
You will see a very different world, which you cannot even imagine now and it will happen very fast.
Very, very fast.

The dawn of this new civilization, which we might call an age of Oneness, is the single most explosive fact of our lifetime. We have a destiny to create, a state of consciousness that is, Oneness with all that is.
As a consequence of this inner state of man, changes would occur in the outer world, which we would call the Golden Age.
The Oneness Age and the Golden Age are complementary to each other.
The Oneness Age represents what is going to happen inside, and the Golden Age is about what is going to happen outside.
The advent to the Golden Age would see a world where there are no national boundaries, where all mankind becomes one family.
People would not suffer from a sense of want; it is not prosperity for one country or the other, but for the whole globe. That is going to happen soon.
This Golden Age is for the whole of mankind; it is not capitalism, not communism or socialism, or radical humanism. That will win the day for us.
What we will see is an entirely different world, where there is no competition but only cooperation.
It will be One Humanity.
And each one of us, let us remember, has a role in creating this destiny for man, that is; for ourselves.

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